Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Buurtzorg Diaries - A Brief Buurtzorg Reflection - Wirral

Early in March, several AQuA staff and members embarked on an exciting study trip to the Netherlands, to learn more about the Buurtzorg health and care system.

This final blog in our Buurtzorg Diaries series comes from our Wirral locality members, who share some brief thoughts from their visit.

"Motivated and positive staff"

"Clients feedback positive experiences and enjoyed time spent with nurses"

"Client and nurse empowerment and ownership"

"Nurse-driven principles"

"Self-organised teams allows staff innovation"

"Care plans tailored to patients needs" 

"The team and patient is the most important in the organisation, not the hierarchy"

"Align actions to visions"

"Nurses allowed to nurse and care to deliver person centered care"

"Lots of different solutions to issues/conflicts"

"Simplicity in nursing model and organisation of teams"

"Coffee first…then care (the conversation and relationship with patient as important as the hands on care)"

"Vitality of nurses – wellbeing of staff important (visits on bikes very much promotes staff well-being)"

"Like-minded people working together" 

"If a consensus cannot be reached the team have to ‘live with it’ i.e. not dwell on the issue and to accept differences"

"Better outcomes for clients and nurses"

"Bring in additional support when needed, family and community support"

"Importance of coach role and back office"

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